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You can quickly trade cryptocurrencies at your own pace with the Turkish Lira.
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Automatic & Manual
EgeMoney offers a wide range of transactions to its dear users with P2P, our over-the-counter market Convert, and Manual Transaction options with Spot.
Exchange Limits
You can choose the one that suits you with transaction limits suitable for investors and traders of all levels. Transaction limits, which you can develop in proportion to your membership level, provide you with various advantages.
Live Chat Support
To contact EgeMoney Support Team, you can send an e-mail to [email protected] or you can reach us via live support on our site.
Commission Rates
It is an investor-friendly market with our rates and commission amounts, which we take care of to be competitive with other market prices.
Integrate our API
A white-label solution for your project, whether it is a wallet, a marketplace or a service provider. Set it up to accept any of 140+ cryptocurrencies listed on Tendex and get revenue for each transaction made.
Learn MoreITB Analysis
Quick View, On-chain Data, Predictions and Social Metrics measurement tools enable users to conduct a detailed market analysis of the cryptocurrencies they are interested in or want to research.
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