Thanks to EgeMoney Telegram Analysis Bot, users can refer to the bot for their investments and review the Elliot Analysis of the crypto currency (for the eligible pair) they choose.
Only mandatory identification step completed users can use the EgeMoney Telegram Analysis Bot.
The provided analyzes are only for educational purposes and EgeMoney has no responsibility for them, so the risk of using the Analysis rests with the users.
Fundamental analysis examines economic, political and financial factors, and in general all factors affect a stock.
Technical analysis is the estimation of a stock's price with the help of graphs and mathematical relationships based on the analysis of past price fluctuations of the same stock.
There are various tools for technical analysis and Elliott Wave Theory (Elwave software) is one of the most effective, acceptable and widely used tools.
The provided analyzes are only for educational purposes and EgeMoney has no responsibility for them, so the risk of using the Analysis rests with the users.
At the bottom of the chart is the window called SUMMARY INSPECTOR, which is one of the basic windows related to the data in this software.
The data in this column shows us a summary of the different alternatives.
One of the essential points when opening a trade position is that our various alternatives explain the same result, i.e. we can conclude that the trend is up or down relative to other options.
There are a variety of tools for technical analysis and Elliott Wave Theory (Elwave software) is one of the most effective, acceptable and widely used tools.
How to read Elliott charts?How to use Elliot Charts ?How to install EgeMoney Analysis Telegram Bot ?